Smart Immo – Exclusive Interview with Abhishek Jha

Smart Immo – Exclusive Interview with Abhishek Jha

In the face of the rise of online commerce and changing consumption patterns, how are supermarkets adapting in France and Germany?

In an exclusive interview, Abhishek Jha, President of Greenman Arth, shares his analysis of the dynamics of this key sector. The topics include:

🛒 The evolution of hypermarkets in response to new consumer expectations.
🌱 Sustainable strategies to support food retailers (solar panels, charging stations, etc.).
📊 Investment opportunities in supermarkets, a rapidly growing format.

Greenman Arth, through its SCPI GMA Essentialis, positions itself as a reference player in food real estate, with a strategy resolutely focused on the future and sustainability.

🔗 Discover the perspectives of this strategic market by watching the interview.

Investing in food real estate means betting on a fundamental need while contributing to a more sustainable and innovative model.